Break Bounce

Sadashivnagar, Bangalore

3,800 sft

Tag: corporate

A retail arm of GoldenSeam Ltd., this office faced a similar strategy towards the design process with the idea of using their brand and products as the highlights. Being a streetwear brand, we worked the interiors such that the street essence and a vibrant playful industrial vibe was rendered across the spaces. Extensive use of light colored wood and rustic grey floor finishes facilitated this intent. Metal container units were used to define the closed spaces. All these elements added to the raw quintessence of the 3800 sq. ft. workspace.The visual merchandise area had its own identity with a number of seasonal themes that supported their more timely relevant designs. On the other hand, the showrooms were defined with steel grill like flooring with chain elevations and stands that helped maximise the vibrance of their funky textiles.The planning of the whole area was again focused on segregating the spaces clearly as per function. The workspace and client units never cross paths. The executive areas anchor the transition between those and the divisions. Clear walkways and corridors define the circulation. The essence of the brand’s ideologies such as “funky”, “expressive”, “fun”, “youthful” are brought out through the spaces and justified with clever circulation and zoning.