House around the Pond

Nisha & Raj, R T Nagar, Bengaluru

8,000 sft

Tag: homes

Home to a young family of four, Nishara was designed with an attempt to blur the boundaries of the inside and the outside. The landscape and architecture of this house work hand in hand, with one enveloping the other in perfect harmony. A U-type plan allows the outdoors to permeate almost fully into the footprint, and all spaces are singly stacked, allowing for abundant light and ventilation throughout the house. The spaces are planned in a way to accommodate all the functional requirements of the household with a conscious attempt to contain the footprint to just what is necessary, thereby paving the way to various elements of relief. A swimming pool on the terrace, an expansive bio-pond in the main living floor, an alfresco double-height dining court, a private backyard, and a terrace garden and bar are some of the elements carved into this 50×80 plot.